Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Let's rebuild the memories.

Hello back bloggers :) Oh first of all, it's January 31st 2012 today and January will take its turn to leave soon. So, I wish we'll be seeing again next year January :) . Welcome February~ Enough. Get back to my point. So what's with memory I stated as a topic? Haha I'm not gonna tell all of you from A to Z about that. Just a simple note I've written before for someone :) AND AS IF "YOU" ARE READING THIS, you would know how much I miss you. You <--- refers to only ONE person. Let's read :)

" When I first looked at your face, I told myself "Oh my goodness, you're so cute!" Yet I know you will never be mine because there is always a better person for you. Day by day,  I couldn't hold myself to tell you that I really fall in love with you and I forced myself not tell you what inside my heart was. When people approach you and get to know you better, I feel i am no longer important in your life. I admit, I should have not be like this. Jealousy strikes when someone is talking, joking and chatting with you although I know that's natural to a person. When everytime I need to be alone, you suddenly came across to my mind. You didn't know that I was feeling so misery because I need you by my side. Just because I missed you, I tuned a song named Beautiful Soul sang by Jesse McCartney. Yes, I know I should have let you go but I couldn't. The feeling keeps haunting me every moment. I pretended to be okay whenever we were having conversations. Even if it was only short conversations,  I could feel both mistakes I made. I had no idea whether to leave, or to take. I wish I had guts to make a right decision but the guts had lost. I'm a loser now because I'm falling for you. Time decides every single thing and I let it to decide itself eventhough it lasts until my last breath. Patience is the only way and the only will to keep going on my daily routine. I remember I told myself to be happy for what I have but I have no idea why my feeling keeps telling me I lost something and for goodness sake it is actually you, the person I lost and I love. Tell me why, you're so hard to forget. Tell my why, I can't seem to face the truth because I keep staying on the flow of water. Keep moving without stopping on the flow of water, and now I'm heading nowhere without you. I concede now I need to be with you and I really hope that you will always be next to me. It's just you who can give me a warm hug and I won't let anybody else to do that to me. The time has come, now you know how my heart tells you. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier when I first texted you by the phone. I'm sorry, I LOVE YOU! " .

So, this is the note I've written on a piece of paper :) 

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Ekspresi Diri.

" Hanya diri sendiri faham Ekspresi masing-masing. Tiada orang lain akan memahami sepenuhnya " .

Assalamualaikum wbt. Maaf ya sebab aku dah agak lama meninggalkan blog sejak akhir-akhir ni. Korang sendiri pun dah tau rasanya kenapa aku dah tak selalu update kan? Tapi kepada yang belum tahu and ini pula kali pertama korang menyelinap masuk blog aku, biar aku bagitau, aku dah kerja sekarang :) . Lupakan pasal tu, aku sure korang boleh faham ayat yang aku tulis sendiri kat atas tu. Melly Goeslaw pernah cakap, "ada apa dengan cinta" TAPI , aku cuma nak cakap "ada apa di sebalik Ekspresi diri" . Secara Amnya, kita tau sendiri apa maksud Ekspres. Tak payah terangkan lagi yee. Ekspresi itu perasaan kita. Kenapa ekspresi? Korang nampak kan perkataan EKSPRES mendahului sebelum huruf I . Ok, Perasaan itu adalah tindakbalas yang sangat cepat berlaku pada diri manusia serta-merta. Tak percaya? Maknanya korang bukan manusia ;) . Tak pernah kan kalau korang rasa sedih, nak tangguh kejap. "Eh, lagi 5 minit nanti aku sedih" . Memang dah sah verifikasi itu sendiri. Mana ada orang boleh tangguh perasaan. Ayat selebihnya kat belakang tu aku tersangatlah yakin korang semua faham. Hanya diri korang sendiri yang arif apa yang korang rasa. Sekalipun korang nak bagitahu perasaan kepada orang lain, cuba fikir adakah mereka dapat rasa? Jawapannya of course la TAK :) Sebelum buat keputusan, tenangkan ekspresi terlebih dahulu ya. 

Nota kaki : Ekspresi diri menunjukkan seseorang manusia itu normal ;)

I'm just waiting...


Kenapa dan mengapa aku post ayat sedemikian rupa ya? Itu agak menjadi persoalan pada diri aku sendiri dan mungkin agaknya pada calon SPM 2011 yang lain. Apa pulak kaitan ayat tu dengan tajuk blog aku hari ni? Waiting dalam Bahasa Melayu maksudnya menunggu. Menunggu pula adalah salah satu kata kerja. Itulah apa yang aku lakukan sekarang. Menunggu keputusan SPM untuk keluar. Secara jujurnya, aku sendiri taktahu kenapa aku buat post pasal result SPM. Tapi mungkin sebab Hari keramat tu dah semakin hampir kot? Bukan mungkin lagi, MEMANG SEBENARNYA YA keputusan dah hampir keluar. Aku cuma boleh tekankan dua perkara kat sini sama ada "menunggu" atau "buat taktau" . Sebabnya hari keputusan tu lambat-laun akan datang dan pergi jugak. Bagi aku, hari yang dinantikan dah semakin menghantui. Cuba fikirkan sendiri, bulan Januari dah nak menamatkan sesi hidupnya dengan 2012 dan Februari pula bakal datang menyusul. Februari yang selalu kita hidup, tak akan pernah cukup sebulan. Selepas Februari, dah tentunya MAC! Ya tak sampai dua bulan lagi! Keputusan SPM 2011 akan diumumkan tak lama lagi! Baru aku boleh sedar sikit. 

Nota kaki : Apa pun, aku mengharapkan yang terbaik daripadaNya. Amin insyaAllah. Semoga keputusan SPM 2011 lebih gempak! :)

Friday, 13 January 2012

Pasar Malam :D

Bahasa Melayu pulak. Ya aku dah banyak post dalam Bahasa Inggeris, kali ni aku buat post baru dalam Bahasa Melayu pulak. Nanti orang kata aku tak kenal Bahasa Melayu pulak. Sorry :) Aku post dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebab nak mantapkan Bahasa Inggeris je walaupun masih lemah lagi. 

OK. Terus bergerak pada topik saja ya. Cuba perhatikan tajuk topik aku tu baik-baik. Kenapa dengan pasar malam? Haha sebab aku rasa aku dah bekerja kat pasar malam sekarang. Rasanya sampai dapat keputusan SPM. Taktahu lagi lah. Mungkin sampai bulan April. Siapa tahu? :) Saja nak cari pengalaman macam mana susah nak cari duit. Tapi sekarang dah merasa susah senangnya bekerja. Sejujurnya, aku seronok dengan kerja yang aku ada sekarang walaupun gaji yang aku dapat tak sebanyak macam orang yang bekerja dekat shopping mall. Macam mana aku boleh kerja pasar malam? Haaa, alasannya satu je. Sebab kawan sekelas aku, ayah dia meniaga pasar malam. Aku pun bagitahu jela nak kerja dengan ayah dan semudah itu saja dah diterima kerja. Aku nak kata nasib baik tu taktahu la. Sebab aku nak sangat agaknya kerja meniaga ni. Ok meniaga apa sebagai persoalan? Aku meniaga Nasi Kerabu, Nasi Dagang dengan lauk-pauk. Kali pertama buat kerja ni memang tak reti apa-apa pun. Nak bungkus semua tu kena tanya adik kawan aku sendiri. Malu je -_- . Sekarang aku dah boleh bungkus tapi masih ada cacat juga :D haha. So, kepada sesiapa yang pernah nampak aku meniaga. Ye aku lah tu. Korang tak salah orang. Jangan tanya kenapa aku kerja pasar malam ok? Sebab aku malas nak kerja lain. tutup cerita. Heee. Ok sampai sini je coretan aku :D terima kasih.
Psst, masa meniaga aku mmg comot. hehe maaf lah :P

I passed..

Hello back again :) I've been missing like usual. Haha let's just get started now. I went to the office of Institut Manducekap 'last year' to register a licence of my own. So yeah, I successfully succeeded the first two classes. The first one, KPP which stands for Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu. In English, it is called Curriculum driving licence. To shorten it, I went to the institute at Shah Alam with my bestfriend, Selvia :) . It was quite fun since we laughed too much :P hehe. So a few days back, I took a computer test to make an LDL. What's that? Ok, it is Learner's Driving Licence. Get it right :) and I passed the test with 47/50 :) The passing mark is 42/50 . phewww thank god :)

So now, I'm waiting for my LDL only :) .
foot note : The test was so terrible. Haha. AND! I don't like the counter babe there. 

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Because I love creating quotes :)

So this is the second post in 2012? YES it is! I'm doing this because I feel bored now and since I've been leaving my blog for a week, I guess I should spend my short time with this little page before I get myself to downstairs seeking some foods :P . Cool! Have a look at the main topic now. Does this make sense to the topic? I'm sure it does and I'm going to start it right now. Hang on, you may ask me why I created such a topic like that? The topic is the answer to your question :) Hehe. It seems we're playing through with our minds. Oh yes, it is my hobby to create quotes either in english or malay. But I guess I'll be using English :) . Here we go .

1. Don't you believe that "The most important things are the hardest to say". Sort of? Let me respond it here. Some things are just too hard to say by the mouth. Why? Ok let say you like this person. The person you admire has already been taken by somebody else. It is important for you to make a confession towards the person BUT you feel awkward if the person tends to hate you. Did you get my point? :)

2. " I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you " . So the quote seems to be a little bit confusing. Whose fault? Fault and blame are two different words. FAULT here is a noun whereas BLAME there afterwards is an action. I am very sure you can differentiate those two words well :)

3. "In Math, there's a number called 'One' , so you're the only ONE I have. The quote written there is usually for everybody who wants to attract their lovers. Yes the quote is made by myself :) . It looks simple to you but it is actually not. It means a lot to someone you like :)

Well, I guess I should stop here. The quotes I've written there are not as much as experts did. Remember, quotes can be either good or worse :) . Goodnight people!

Weeeeeee ~

Seriously, I've been avoiding myself from updating a new post for my blog. I'm actually getting bored with my daily routines till I forgot to update a new one for you. My bad for ignoring this. Sorry to keep you waiting :) I'm lazy these days zzzzz but now hey, I work as a part-timer now. It means that, I have a job now :) So I'm away from my blog for kinda a week? So here I am being ridiculous back with awkward moments :) . 

1. The awkward moment when you forgot to update a new post saying "happy new year" in your own blog. Well that's me obviously :P

2. The awkward moment when you still refuse to wish 'happy new year' to all readers of your blog. That's me as well -_- .

3. The awkward moment when you started feeling so stupid for ignoring your blog once in a while. I'm not ignoring you, I'm just lazy zzzzz xD

4. The awkward moment when you just don't know how to start off a new topic. In the end you end up creating the same awkward moment topic again :P . Hehe.

5. The awkward moment when you sense a sound of message from your phone and you rush to see who the sender is. Damn, it's only an update message -_-

6. The awkward moment when your phone is ringing but you tend to ignore because you know it's only a misscall. *let's check* . * ohhh no!! it's my crush! * :P

7. The awkward moment when you are tweeting and messaging simultaneously. Ok let's just say you are focus more on Twitter. I bet! 

8. The awkward moment when you're happily tweeting but then you realised you lost one follower -_- . Oh I have this experience and I know how it feels like.

9. The awkward moment when you concede to yourself that you don't like Selena Gomez but you keep hittin' repeat peat peat peat peat peat peat. Selenator alert detected :P

10. The awkward moment when you want to hit the bed as soon as you reach home but then you see the laptop is still on. *oh let's tweet first* :P haha. 

So thanks again for reading :D